Biodegradable, sustainable, renewable: definitions and differences

Pubblicato il: 16 April 2024

Terms such as biodegradable, sustainable and renewable might seem similar, but they are not at all. We clarify their difference in this article.

The following terms that we usually use to refer to a “greener world” have become extremely inflated. Biodegradable, sustainable and renewable are part of an integrated strategy in the corporate policies of many production activities, but they have differences in their meanings. We therefore understand the definition of each term and then try to translate it into our reality. Pakelo, how are you addressing these issues?

What is meant by biodegradable?

An organic material can be defined as biodegradable if it can be broken down into simpler substances until becoming water, methane and carbon dioxide.

What do renewable product and renewable energy mean?

A renewable product is one that is formulated using raw materials from renewable sources. Renewable energy sources, on the other hand, are sources of energy not subject to depletion insofar as integrated through natural processes (e.g. sunlight, wind, water).

What is meant by Life Cycle Analysis – LCA?

A method used to calculate the total CO2 emissions throughout the entire life cycle of a product. The concept of Carbon Neutral / Zero Emissions implies a complete offset between the emitted and absorbed CO2 throughout the entire production cycle.

What is meant by sustainability?

This is a condition whereby development satisfies the needs of the current generation without compromising those of future generations.

How does Pakelo address these issues?


Pakelo has introduced a complete series of biodegradable lubricants and the range is constantly evolving. A special focus has been afforded to applications where lubricants are inevitably dispersed in the environment.

Renewable product and renewable energy

All electricity used is obtained from renewable sources, as are the raw materials used to produce our Ecolabel and TLL (Total Loss Lubrication) certified products.

Life Cycle Analysis – LCA

The Pakelo production process is virtually CO2 neutral, since all our production processes are powered by renewable or compensated sources.


All Pakelo processes are monitored according to the ISO 14001 environmental management system, which certifies all activities.

Is Ecolabel synonymous with biodegradability?

The EU Ecolabel is the European Union label certifying the ecological quality of products and services which, in guaranteeing high standards of performance, are recognised for the reduced environmental impact of their entire life cycle. Ecolabel eligibility is determined on a scientific basis using highly selective criteria, including energy consumption, water and air pollution, waste production, etc. The certification is granted by an independent body. Administrative and technical analyses are carried out to verify compliance with the Ecolabel criteria and thus be granted the guarantee mark.

Pakelo, by virtue of its efforts to satisfy the highest process quality and control standards, submitted its Pakelo Geolube Eco Hydraulic ISO 46 to the highly selective Ecolabel criteria.



Fully synthetic biodegradable ISO 46 hydraulic oil formulated with a very high index viscosity for hydraulic systems. Registered according to the European ECOLABEL requirements concerning hydraulic oils with a low impact on the environment. It guarantees high anti-wear properties and high resistance to shear, temperature and hydrolysis.

EU Ecolabel: 13/01B/3

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