Tireless professionals. That’s what Pakelo men and women are. Engaged to research, to produce, to sell, in a line oiled by values like respect, trust and sharing knowledge. "Ours is a real teamwork, among different sectors. For this reason, people turnover is very low: who works here, doesn't want to go away." Senior owner Elio Polacco keeps on coming to work and employees and management still pay him due respect. The third generation formed by his son and nephews (Alberto, Aldo and Rino) adopted a more managerial, informal, approach to leadership, undeniable sign of the evolution of the company. "At the beginning everyone oversaw everything. Now everyone is specialized and well-focused in his/her role, which is essential in a dynamic market - fast and brutal sometimes - in which hesitation equals to losing chances". As a professional elastic to change, our Antonio can bring flexibility in relationships with customers and collaborators. The prize? A double-figure turnover growth although general difficulties related to the pandemic situation.