You were born in the Italian Motor Valley. Which memories do you have from your childhood?
Marco: Well, my first memory about motorcycles goes back to when I was 2 years old. My grandpa gifted me a small red electric Vespa. Whenever I received it I went down the stairs and broke it! Immediately!
Phonz: In the 1970s my father was a motocross rider. A true rebel. When I was a child, at my grandparent's home, I used to see my father's racing pictures hanging on the walls. That was my first indirect approach with motorcycling.
Phonz: I miei ricordi più vividi sono legati a mio padre, che negli anni ‘70 era un pilota di motocross. Un vero ribelle. Quando ero piccolo, a casa dei nonni, amavo andare nella sua vecchia cameretta, e osservare le foto delle sue gare appese alle pareti…