
Di Traverso School

The King of flat track

Marco Belli looks like the driving bike: simple, genuine, and fun.
Marco Belli comes from Varese (Italy) and he spent the great part of his almost 47 years making the exact same thing that conquered him when he was a child: skidding in the flat oval tracks around the world. Today Marco Belli can undeniably be defined as the King of flat track and after getting the FMI patent and founding the Di Traverso Flat Track School in 2015 the “Professor” title can also apply. Flat track aka dirt track is a spectacular discipline where bikes have front and rear suspensions but rear brakes only. This feature affects the driving style since skidding is definitively the way to go. This technique, which implies a great control of the bike during curves, has gained the footlights thanks to speed riders from Moto2 to MotoGp actually using it as a training for their competitions. Marco has always been chasing the perfect skid, the perfect curve with tons of instinct and zero electronics. Marco Belli totally resembles the bikes that he rides: simple, genuine and entertaining although never-ever ordinary.
Skidding passion gets him when he’s a child, when he discovers how good it is to spin off with his “Santafoss” bicycle. The upgrade to motorcycle comes short after. He rides for many years in Italy and abroad, especially in UK where flat track was having great popularity.
Trophies don’t’ miss at all. He gets 4 Italian titles, 3 English titles, 2 European titles and 2 American titles. Later he decides to come back to Italy and found Di Traverso School to teach to others his skills.
“When I was abroad I felt like a “brain drain”.
I came back to Italy. It took me a lot of effort but in the end, I founded Di Traverso School to share my passion.”
Today, after a career made of efforts and satisfactions Marco is recognized as “The Professor” and thanks to Di Traverso School he shares with everybody the skills and passion of a lifetime. Apart from teaching how to control a bike in curves he really can transmit the beauty of that intimate but dynamic bond between man and motorcycle on dirt tracks.
Pakelo believed in Di Traverso School project from the start trusting and supporting it. Mutual respect, dedication to work, passion and attention to details allowed them to build something great and valuable.
Go fast, turn left: that’s the essence of a Pakelo Hero for me.”


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